The journey has begun!!! I’m so excited!!! We (mom, dad, and I) fairly easily made our flights from Louisville to Chicago and then on to Los Angeles. I forget how much I truly miss flying until I am up at 30,000 ft. There is a peace about life up here. I miss the color and vibrancy of the sky and seeing life from a different perspective. Something I hope to gain a little more of this year, a different perspective.
So here begins the 4.5 month trek thru Australia and SouthEast Asia! I’m so looking forward to experiencing different cultures, tasting different foods, sightseeing temples, and just plain having fun! For the first time in my life I am not living by a schedule! …or at least not someone else’s schedule. I get to decide where life takes me (and I can hear God laughing right now).
I’m going to digress for a moment. Obviously I love flying, but one of my favorite times to be airborne is in the evening right after sunset. When you look one direction the sky is a mural of pastel blues, lavenders and rose, and when you look the other direction, a vibrant reddish-orange fades to midnight blue. That description doesn’t even do it justice! I like to think that God is a painter and every night the sky is His canvas, never the same but always beautiful. It’s truly magical!
Can you guess where we are flying into/out of right now? Fiji greeted us with a huge temperature blast letting us know we are definitely in warmer (and wetter) climates. I’m kicking myself though for not realizing we had a layover in Fiji and should have spent a few extra days there. Oh well, live and learn!
Man-o-man am I ready to get out of this plane! 20+ hours and I have a severe case of buttache! It’s all worth it though to be here in Australia!!! I’M IN AUSTRALIA GUYS!!! (can you tell I’m a bit excited?)
I too love to fly but spending 11+ hours sitting in a seat with people on both sides who just as uncomfortable as you are is just not fun. Throw in the airline food that rates about as high as hospital food and it makes a L O N G flight even more fun. I will say that Australia had their immigration system working well. It seams Australians understand that technology can make life much easier. You scan your own passport and get your picture taken at a machine. Then just hand over you declaration paper to an attendent. That’s assuming you didn’t do anything stupid on arrival (drugs or out of country food. Etc.)