Hey guys!  Thanks for stopping by to see my blog.

First off I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be blogging, but then again I can say that about a lot of things from this past year.

To begin, last Feb (2016) I decided I needed a change in my life.  I’d be lying if I said it didn’t have anything to do with me turning 30 (not to mention being single).  Growing up, I was the driven, determined 6th grader, who knew what she wanted to do with her life and come hell or highwater she was gonna get what she wanted.    …And I did just that. I was accepted to the US Naval Academy, graduated with a BS in Astrophysics, and learned to fly EA-18Gs for the Navy.   So what happens after you’ve accomplished pretty much all your career goals in life?

You freak out and have a 30-Life Crisis (it does exist!)

Thus, I decided to take a year sabbatical from the military, and figure ME out! Follow me in this next year of adventures, trials, and shenanigans.

Come see what trouble I get in, laugh at the hilarity of me trying to be a civilian, and join me on my journey.



  1. Is Spain on your bucket list? I can just see you walking St. James Way with those backpacks. Enjoy your adventures Laura!

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