The Devil Inside Tasmania that is!

Any kid growing up in the late 80’s and early 90’s remembers Taz, the Tasmanian Devil, in Looney Tunes. So when I finally made it to Australia, I just couldn’t give up the opportunity to go to Tasmania to see one in real life.  In one of my first trips on the Island, the guide schooled us on how feral and ferocious the Tasmanian Devil really was. They are also not too smart and end up being road kill more often than not.

On a side note, they don’t have deer crossing signs, they have kangaroo crossing signs.

About 30 minutes from Hobart is Boonoorong Animal Sanctuary for Kangaroos, Wombats, and Devils, so I decided to take the bus to visit it.  Like almost every sanctuary in Australia, they have a kangaroo pen that you can walk around in and feed the kangas. Those little buddies are pushy too! If you don’t hold the food low enough, they will move your hand for you! I also had a flirtatious one give me a nice bum pat (no joke!) Cheeky little boogers!


After the kanga pen, I took one of the daily tours they had and got to hang out and pet a Wombat.


Finally, we made it to the Tasmanian Devil enclosure where we were able to see them feed a Tasmanian Devil.  I know now that I hope to never see one in real life.  That thing was relentless with a piece of meat, and apparently they have bone-crushing jaws!  Literally!  No thanks Taz, you can stay on the other side of that enclosure.  I can now check that off my bucket list.  I got to see a real live Tasmania Devil, and lived to tell the tale!


Crikey Mate!

One comment

  1. Hey Laura! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. It looks like youre having an amazing time. Stay safe out there.

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